What is Heating Oil?

What is Heating Oil?

Heating oil is, as the name suggests, oil that is used for heating. Usually, the oil heats a vat of water which travels via a network of pipes to heat a home. Heating oil is essentially diesel. The only difference is that heating oil usually has a tiny bit more sulphur than the diesel you … Read more

How does Hive Heating Work?

How does Hive Heating Work?

Hive is now one of the most popular heating options across the UK. It’s a smart thermostat system that can connect to most central heating setups but let’s dive into the details. Essentially, by using an internet-based system, you can control the temperature of your house, even when you’re not inside it. And, it can … Read more

How does Underfloor Heating Work?

How does Underfloor Heating Work?

Underfloor heating is becoming increasingly popular, and not just in individual rooms but across entire homes. We can understand why. There’s a feeling of luxury that comes with underfloor heating but, more importantly, having the heat spread across the floor rather than concentrated into a single radiator (or other source) can help to save both … Read more

How to Heat Under a Mobile Home

How to Heat Under a Mobile Home

Having a mobile home (also known as an RV or trailer depending on the style) is a sustainable, convenient, and relaxed way to live, travel or spend your vacation. However, many people are put off because mobile homes can become cold and unpleasant in colder climates, or simply because heating a mobile home isn’t the … Read more